OpenPlant PID Help

To Place an Angle Valve

  1. Select the Angle Valve option from the Valves taskbar.
    Note: The Angle Valve is located in the submenu which contains a variety of miscellaneous valves.

    The Properties dialog displays.

    Note: If the Tag Dialog Prompt option is disabled in the PID Document dialog, then you will not be prompted with this dialog at any point in the procedure. A tag number will automatically be assigned to the valve.
  2. Accept the default tag number, or enter a new value if required.
  3. Expand the Details section of the dialog.
  4. In the Properties tab make any necessary changes to the component properties in the corresponding fields.
  5. Click OK to place the component.
  6. Place the Angle Valve at the desired point in the drawing.
    Note: As you drag the valve over the intersection, the Angle Valve will automatically orient itself accordingly.
  7. Pick a point in the drawing to place the valve's main size annotation. The Properties dialog (if enabled) displays prompting you to place another valve.
    Note: If you choose not to place the tag number annotation, right-click to end the command